الاثنين، 1 أغسطس 2011

Introductio to .Net and C Sharp

The advancement of programming tools (e.g., C++ and Java) and consumer-electronic devices (e.g., cell phones) created problems and new requirements. 

The need for .Net was based on three problems appeared :
1- The integration of software components from various languages proved difficult, and installation problems were common because new versions of shared components were incompatible with old software
2- Developers also discovered they needed Web-based applications that could be accessed and used via the Internet.
3- As a result of mobile electronic device popularity, software developers realized that their clients were no longer restricted to desktop computers.
     Developers recognized the need for software that was accessible to anyone and available via almost any type of device

So Microsoft announced its .NET.
      The .Net platform is one over which Web-based applications can be distributed to a great variety of devices (even cell phones) and to desktop computers. The platform offers a new  software-development model that allows applications created in disparate programming languages to communicate with each other.

Microsoft also developed a programming language designed specifically for the .Net platform. This language is C# .

    C# is a fully object oriented language. The fact that C# has roots in C++ and JAVA , adapting the best features of both and adding new features of its own and that make it easy to learn.

So if you have a company with 3 developers (C++.Net developer , Visual Basic.Net developer and C# developer) and you have a big project that can't be done with only one developer then you can use the three developers you got and integrate their work together easily although each task was written in different language.  


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